Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Many Thanks To Dr. & Mrs. Dixit

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Let Them Be Kids Comes To Chimo

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wow... we are out in the community EVERYWHERE!
Saturday March 27th, Milliwiggins Toystore is offering us 15% of all sales
Saturday April 10th, Chimo Day at Walmart - BBQ, Parking Lot Toll, Car Wash, Face Painting.
Saturday April 10th, Vine Rhymes will be performing for playground donations at the Courtyard Cafe.
Saturday April 17th, Little Sprouts is having a yard sale and donating some proceeds to Chimo Playground
Wednesday April 21st, Spring Concert with Silent Auction and SFDCI Reunion Band.
Saturday May 1st, Chimo Yard Sale. Tables renting for $20. (call Terri @ 283-7297) or drop donations off at the school.
Saturday May 15th, BUILD DAY!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
California Cruiser

Smiths Falls Family Chiropractic "Adjusts" our Thermometer
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pancakes for Playground
The Manhattan Bar & Grill was the place to be on Sunday March 21st! Many Many thanks to the owner Peter, who offered this fundraiser for Chimo and served up some delicious sausage and pancakes. Thanks also to Linda, Lorrie, Principal Kelly and the grade 6 girls for serving up this awesome meal. Another notch on the thermometer! We 're getting close!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Why this all matters...
Notes from the Let Them Be Kids FB page...
Someone asked me the other day "So Ian, Why does all this LTBK stuff matter" then continued "it really isn't that important in the whole grand picture, is it?"... I replied "all this matters because these projects are not just about playgrounds and skate parks, they are about building our communities, about inspiring hope in others and about showing that regular people can change the world for the better"
I am always amazed that the drug dealer , the pedophile and the other bad people can innovate, create and find ways to make their horrible things happen...So why can't we make great things happen. Why can't we innovate, create and get things done for the positive!
So far this year we have given 25 or so awards and will be giving more in the near future... but the real work is being done in the communities themselves, people giving of their time, talent and money to make something great happen. Support them, help them, cheer for them... do all you can to get the word out about the project that is near and dear to you (if you dont have one, pick one).
A world, a country, a town, a school, a family, a kid....are all counting on someone to inspire some hope, and that someone is you!!!
Get involved-Ian
Chimo Day at Wal*Mart!
Saturday, April 10th!! Wal*Mart, Smiths Falls, is generously allowing us to have a Charity BBQ, conduct a Parking Lot Toll and have a Car Wash. They also have offered their matching grant so what ever we raise... they'll match!! Gimme a W, Gimme a A, Gimme a L, Star, M, A, R, T... watta ya got?? WALMART!!! YEAH!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Manhattan Restaurant
The Manhattan Restaurant on the corner of Russell and Market Streets is having a Special Pancake Breakfast March 21, 2010.
Time: 9 am - 1 pm
Cost: $5.00 per person with $2.00 of each meal going towards our playground!!
Fiddlers will entertain us throughout the morning and early afternoon.
Please spread the word!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
The fine folks at Milliwiggins toy and gift store are offering to donate 10% of all sales for the 27th of March to our play structure! There are lots of items for sale there that will make great Easter gifts and they will keep on giving through their donation to project playground. Your fun and unique toy store retailer of Melissa & Doug, Alex, Manhattan Toys, Schylling, a great selection of candy and loot bag novelty. Milliwiggins hosts special Craft Time Days which enable children
to let their inner artist create.
Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 to 5 They are at 7 Russle Street West, Davidson Courtyard, Smiths Falls.
So please start spreading the word.
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Chimo Day At Walmart!
It was a perfect day! Lots of sun, lots of fun, lots of volunteers, awesome hosts. THANK YOU WALMART for helping us with our playground! Thank you to M&M's for donating burgers and hot dogs, Thank you Pepsi for donating pop, Thank you Coke for donating pop, Thank you Early Years, Thank you Katimavik Kids, Thank you Thompsontown Maple Products, Thank you volunteers!
Chimo kids tell us why it's important!
Ongoing Initiatives
Think Recycle
We recycle ink cartridges, toner cartridges and used cell phones, and the environment as well as our fundraising efforts benefit! (Digital cameras will be included soon, so don't throw an old one out!) Drop off at the school office or at Ta2u Studio across from the Smiths Falls Theatre.
To date... Chimo's Think Recycyling Program has caused 35 trees to be planted in our name, 1,400 lbs of waste has been diverted from the landfill and we have earned $1,091.90. Isn't that AMAZING???
We are also now recycling Kool-Aid Jammer & Delmonte Juice Pouches and the foil wrappers from small cookie packages.
QSP Magazine Sales
Magazine sales are active for the rest of the school year! They make a great gift any time of the year. Visit http://www.qsp.ca/ to order. Our school number is 10441
We recycle ink cartridges, toner cartridges and used cell phones, and the environment as well as our fundraising efforts benefit! (Digital cameras will be included soon, so don't throw an old one out!) Drop off at the school office or at Ta2u Studio across from the Smiths Falls Theatre.
To date... Chimo's Think Recycyling Program has caused 35 trees to be planted in our name, 1,400 lbs of waste has been diverted from the landfill and we have earned $1,091.90. Isn't that AMAZING???
We are also now recycling Kool-Aid Jammer & Delmonte Juice Pouches and the foil wrappers from small cookie packages.
QSP Magazine Sales
Magazine sales are active for the rest of the school year! They make a great gift any time of the year. Visit http://www.qsp.ca/ to order. Our school number is 10441
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Chimo!
Tuesday February 16, 2010
Our Pancake supper was a HUGE success!! Special thanks goes out to the ladies from Scotia Bank who helped serve. Thanks also goes out to Basswood Golf Centre for the loan of their warming dishes and to The Roosteraunt for all their help and use of their warmers. Kudos to our flapjack flippers! You all did a fantastic job! The title of "Fabulous Flapjack Flipper" goes to Vice Principal Mr. Hawthorn for his fantastic flipping finesse. Thank you to all who donated supplies. ALL our supplies were donated which makes the profit at 100%. Scotia Bank generously doubles that and of course Let Them Be Kids doubles that! We made a big leap towards the playground and filled our bellies at the same time! What a great night!
Our Pancake supper was a HUGE success!! Special thanks goes out to the ladies from Scotia Bank who helped serve. Thanks also goes out to Basswood Golf Centre for the loan of their warming dishes and to The Roosteraunt for all their help and use of their warmers. Kudos to our flapjack flippers! You all did a fantastic job! The title of "Fabulous Flapjack Flipper" goes to Vice Principal Mr. Hawthorn for his fantastic flipping finesse. Thank you to all who donated supplies. ALL our supplies were donated which makes the profit at 100%. Scotia Bank generously doubles that and of course Let Them Be Kids doubles that! We made a big leap towards the playground and filled our bellies at the same time! What a great night!
Chimo Elementary School was built in 1973 as a senior elementary school for students in grades 6, 7 & 8. It remained a senior elementary school for 27 years. In September 2000, the school was transformed into an elementary school for children from grades Kindergarten to 8, after the closing of Spooner Elementary School. Two years later, New Aberdeen School closed, transferring another group of young students to Chimo. In September of 2009, Chimo Elementary was once again reorganized, this time adding Early French Immersion for students in Kindergarten to grade 2 for the Smiths Falls family of schools. Our student population now exceeds 445 children.
Throughout these changes, a great deal of human and capital resources, time and effort have gone into planning and organizing effective educational programming for our students. To that end, I am pleased to say we have done a good job.
Throughout these changes, there has been little opportunity to put the same amount of human and capital resources, time and effort into planning and organizing effective outdoor recreational facilities for our students. Four single swings, one small slide and a couple of basketball hoops grace our large yard. To that end, I am pleased to say that the "Let Them Be Kids" foundation has granted our school a "Helping Hands" award that will assist us in redesigning our playground to better serve our students.
Our students, staff and indeed the entire school community are extremely excited about this project! We look forward to this opportunity to demonstrate our collective and collaborative determination, our positive community spirit, and our commitment to one another as members of Chimo's community. We look forward to welcoming and working with each and every one of you in achieving these goals as we plan for our build day on May 15, 2010.
Daryl Kelly, Principal
Throughout these changes, a great deal of human and capital resources, time and effort have gone into planning and organizing effective educational programming for our students. To that end, I am pleased to say we have done a good job.
Throughout these changes, there has been little opportunity to put the same amount of human and capital resources, time and effort into planning and organizing effective outdoor recreational facilities for our students. Four single swings, one small slide and a couple of basketball hoops grace our large yard. To that end, I am pleased to say that the "Let Them Be Kids" foundation has granted our school a "Helping Hands" award that will assist us in redesigning our playground to better serve our students.
Our students, staff and indeed the entire school community are extremely excited about this project! We look forward to this opportunity to demonstrate our collective and collaborative determination, our positive community spirit, and our commitment to one another as members of Chimo's community. We look forward to welcoming and working with each and every one of you in achieving these goals as we plan for our build day on May 15, 2010.
Daryl Kelly, Principal